Setting Up DoneJS

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This page contains information on setting up DoneJS. It will walk you through getting prerequisites needed before you ever install DoneJS and includes platform-specific pieces of information not covered in the Quick Start or In Depth guides.

DoneJS officially supports:



This will help you get set up with DoneJS on Windows. To use DoneJS you need a C++ compiler (for native dependencies). First you need a recent version of Node.js.


To download Node.js visit There will be two big green buttons for the two recommended downloads. Choose the one on the right, which says Current. This will give you the most recent version of Node.js.

Once downloaded, double-click the installer and go through the installation process. Once complete you should be able to open up a terminal and type:

node -v

Which should then print out the version of Node.js that is installed.

Package Management

In this guide we'll use chocolatey to install packages needed. You don't have to use chocolatey if you don't want, and can instead search for the dependencies and install them with a Windows installer, but we'll use chocolately because it makes things a bit easier.

After you've installed chocolatey by following the instructions on the homepage open an administrative console and proceed to the next step.

Python 2.x

Native dependencies in Node.js are installed with node-gyp which uses Python as a build tool. It expects Python 2.x:

choco install python2 -y

Windows SDK

Next we need the Windows SDK. We're going to assume Windows 7, but adjust this command to the version of Windows you use (for Windows 10 it is windows-sdk-10.0):

choco install windows-sdk-7.1 -y

Visual Studio Express

Installing Visual Studio Express gives us the C++ compiler we need. If you are using Windows 10 or get an error with this command you can also download Visual Studio Express here:

choco install visualstudioexpress2013windowsdesktop -y


If you plan on using Continuous Deployment with Travis CI, the OpenSSL software is needed to encrypt your CDN API key.

Environmental Variables

In order to switch to production mode you need to set the environmental variable NODE_ENV. Depending on which console you use this can be done in one of two ways:

Command Prompt

set NODE_ENV=production



To later remove these environment variables:

Command Prompt




Android Development

In order to develop an Android application you need to install the Android Studio. The installer will prompt you to also install Java if you don't already have it.

Android Studio installation

When you start Android Studio for the first time it will go through the installation of the SDK and related tools. If prompted select to install:

  • Android 7.x
  • Android SDK
  • Performance (this will improve the emulator start time)
  • Android Virtual Device (this will create an optimized emulator)

Once this is complete you should have everything you need for Android development. You can close Android Studio as you won't need it for DoneJS development.



To download Node.js visit There will be two big green buttons for the two recommended downloads. Choose the one on the right, which says Current. This will give you the most recent version of Node.js.

Once downloaded, double-click the installer and go through the installation process. Once complete you should be able to open up a terminal and type:

node -v

Which should then print out the version of Node.js that is installed.


To get DoneJS working on macOS you need Xcode command line tools which you can get by typing:

xcode-select --install

And to build iOS apps, after installing Node, install the ios-sim package with:

npm install -g ios-sim

Debian / Ubuntu

Installing in a Debian / Ubuntu environment takes a little extra work because the version of Node shipped is older than what is supported by DoneJS (and most other Node-based software).


Instead of installing Node.js from the repository we recommend using a PPA (a repository maintained by a 3rd party). First get a copy of curl if you don't already have it:

sudo apt-get install curl

Then add the PPA to your source list:

curl -sL | sudo bash -

Install Node.js:

sudo apt-get install nodejs

It's important to also install the build-essential package afterwards. This will provide you the C++ compiler needed to build the native dependencies:

sudo apt-get install build-essential

Android Development

In order to develop an Android application you need to install the Android Studio. Once download untar/gzip it:

tar xvf android-sdk.X-linux.tgz

This will create an android-sdk-linux folder. At this point you might want to move it somewhere else, $HOME/lib/android-sdk-linux is a good place.

Add the android-sdk-linux/tools folder to your PATH with: export PATH="path/to/android-sdk-linux/tools. Add this to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc config so it will persist.

Additionally the ANDROID_HOME environmental variable needs to be set. Set it with:

export ANDROID_HOME="/home/name/lib/android-sdk-linux"

This too should be added to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc.


If you don't already have a Java JDK installed you can do so with:

sudo apt-get install default-jdk

Platform and Build Tools

Once you've installed Android Studio you still have a few things to do. You need to install the Android SDK Platform and Build tools. From the command-line run:


This starts the Android SDK Manager. From this screen you can select:

  • Android 6.0
  • Android SDK Build-tools (23+)
  • Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (this will improve the emulator start time)

Click all of these and anything else you need and click Install packages.

Virtual Device Manager

From the command-line run:

$ANDROID_HOME/tools/android avd

This starts the Android Virtual Device (AVD) Manager. This is used to manager virtual devices that will run in the emulator.

Click Create and make sure to fill out:

  • AVD Name (this can be whatever you want)
  • Device
  • Target (the API level you installed)
  • CPU (try an Intel CPU if possible)

Then click OK to create the device.

Close the AVD Manager and you should have everything you need for Android development.

Vagrant & VirtualBox


First at all, download and install VirtualBox and Vagrant. Once VirtualBox and Vagrant have been installed, you should add the DoneJS box to your Vagrant installation.

Installing the DoneJS Vagrant Box

Open your command prompt and type

vagrant --version

to see if Vagrant is available in your terminal.

Within your terminal change to the folder you would like to install the Vagrant Box. Using the following command for adding the box:

vagrant box add Juke/DoneJS

Vagrant will ask you for which provider you will adding the box. Choose: Virtualbox Vagrant will now downloading the latest version of the DoneJS development environment. It will take a few minutes, depending on your Internet connection speed.

Once Vagrant has successfully finished downloading all the file, you can now initialize the DoneJS Box by typing

vagrant init Juke/DoneJS

Vagrant is creating a Vagrantfile in your folder. Your custom configuration for the machine can be done in this file. For more information check out

Configure your shared folders

Before you start the Vagrant Box, you have to specify which folder you would like to sync from your local machine to the virtual machine. For that, open the Vagrantfile in that folder you initialized Vagrant. Scroll down to:

# Share an additional folder to the guest VM. The first argument is
# the path on the host to the actual folder. The second argument is
# the path on the guest to mount the folder. And the optional third
# argument is a set of non-required options.
# config.vm.synced_folder "../data", "/vagrant_data"

add a new Synced Folder configuration below that may look like this

config.vm.synced_folder "C:/www/donejs", "/home/vagrant/donejs"

Make sure that C:/www/donejs is a valid directory.

For more information check the documentation.

Launching the Vagrant Box

Once you have done all the configuration run

vagrant up

command from your DoneJS Vagrant Box directory

Connecting via SSH

To connect to your DoneJS environment via SSH, enter the

vagrant ssh

command in your terminal.

Further information

For further information about what is pre-installed on the Vagrant Box and which ports are forwarding to your host please check out the Github repository DoneJS Vagrant

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